5 Reasons Why Children Like Going to a Church

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Is your church a place where children like to be? One of our goals should be to create a place where kids love to come.

We want to see kids dragging their parents to church rather than parents having to drag their kids to church.

Over the years, I have heard people say, “I’m not going to church because I was made to go as a child.” The truth is you don’t have to make someone go where they enjoy being. They were more than likely forced to go to a church that was not relevant for children and it was a boring, non-engaging experience for children.

I’ve never heard anyone say, “I am not going to Universal Studios because I was made to go as a child.”

So how can you create relevant, engaging church experiences for kids so they are not forced to come but rather they are excited about coming?

Here are five reasons why children like going to a church. As you read these, evaluate your children’s ministry and see how many are effectively happening in your ministry.

1. A Leader Knows Their Name.

The sweetest sound to a child is hearing their name called. Children want to be known and recognized.  Make sure each child hears their name called and are prayed for by name. This past weekend, we had a guest in our children’s ministry. I intentionally made sure to say his name multiple times. He left smiling. I am confident he will return.

Each child should also be prayed over by name. Go around and take prayer requests from the children. Then pray for them by name and ask God to answer their prayer requests.

2. They Have Made Friends There.

Just like adults, kids want to have friends. Be intentional about giving them opportunities to make friends. A great time to do this is during small group time. Have icebreakers that help kids to get to know the other kids in the group.

3. The Lessons Are Relevant to Their Life.

Relevant topics are taught. Kids’ cultural examples are used as illustrations. The lessons offer practical ways they can live out what they learned. Remember, today’s kids are not yesterday’s kids. They have unique challenges that you and I never faced as children.

4. They Are Allowed to Be Kids and Learn How Kids Learn Best.

Varying learning styles are used. Dialogue trumps monologue. Lots of discussion questions are used. Hands on learning activities are used. Experiential teaching moments are implemented.

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Dale Hudsonhttp://www.buildingchildrensministry.com/
Dale Hudson has been serving in children's ministry for over 30 years. He is an author, speaker and ministry leader.  He is the founder and director of Building Children's Ministry. BCM helps churches build strong leaders, teams and children's ministries.  (www.buildingchildrensministry.com)

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