Pastor Greg Locke Tells CNN They ‘Will Burn in Hell’

Greg Locke
Screen grab from Twitter: @AllisonLHedges


Bold and unfiltered Global Vision Bible Church’s pastor Greg Locke took aim at CNN journalists this week calling them “liars,” “wicked,” and “evil,” after they cancelled his interview a week ago.

“You guys are such LIARS!!! Absolutely disgusting,” Locke commented on CNN producer Alli Hedges Maser‘s Twitter post. “What evil and wicked nonsense you guys are spouting. There’s a reason YOU guys cancelled my live interview.”

Hedges-Maser’s post included a video clip of CNN correspondent Nick Valencia and ‘New Day’ anchor Brianna Keilar telling viewers that Locke cancelled an interview that CNN had scheduled back in May of this year because God told him to cancel it.

Valencia recalled Locke posting a Facebook Live video explaining why he cancelled the interview and called the women in CNN’s crew “diabolic Jezebels.” Locke said in the referenced video that while pulling up in the parking lot of the church a few minutes before the interview was to take place “I was nauseated…and I’m telling you as clear as I know my name the Holy Spirit said to my heart, ‘Do not give them [CNN] access and do not do this interview.’” Locke shared they almost had to call the police on the CNN news crew because they wouldn’t leave.

Related article: Greg Locke Tells Church Members ‘I Will Ask You to Leave’ If They Wear a Mask Again

The CNN correspondent said “Pastor Greg Locke has been on a crusade of misinformation over the last year calling COVID-19 a ‘fake pandemic’ [and] saying that the vaccines are a scam.”

The news brief showed a clip of Locke’s Sunday sermon where he not only reiterated his “no masks in this church” policy telling the congregation he won’t apologize for what was said but screamed “the delta variant was nonsense then, it is nonsense now.” Locked didn’t stop there. He continued his rant screaming, “Do not get vaccinated! Do not get vaccinated! I don’t care what you think about me. I don’t need your money. I don’t need your handclap. I don’t need more people on social media to follow me. I ain’t following along with it.”

Locke then made sure Global Vision Bible Church knew how he felt about America’s current President Joe Biden and even let out a shrill of excitement saying, “Joe Biden’s days are numbered…I told you the whole time this election was fraudulent. We got so much proof the only people that can deny it are crack-smokin-demon-possessed leftists.”

A CNN news anchor responded to hearing Locke’s message saying, “Hearing that is a simple tragedy. It is hurting…it’s harming people. Honestly people could die because of the message he said.”

Just a few hours after Hedges-Maser posted the clip Locke told CNN they’d burn in hell, “Dear LEFTIST MOB, I will not be intimidated by you. I will not back down. @CNN will burn in Hell with the rest of the cowards. I’ll shout truth no matter what you threaten me with.”

Locke Called Vice President Harris a ‘Jezebel Demon’

During a sermon titled “When God Brings Down the House” Locke called President Joe Biden “a sex-trafficking, demon-possessed mongrel”, and said that Vice President Kamala Harris is a “Jezebel demon.”

Related article: J.D. Greear: It’s Unwise to Call VP Harris a ‘Jezebel’

“You’ve got to smoke a lot of dope in your mom’s basement not to believe that fact,” Locke said if you don’t believe that former President Donald Trump isn’t the legitimate president of the United States. His comments were met with applause by his congregants.

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Jesse T. Jackson
Jesse is the Senior Content Editor for ChurchLeaders and Site Manager for ChristianNewsNow. An undeserving husband to a beautiful wife, and a father to 4 beautiful children. He serves as the chairman of the deacons, a growth group leader, and is a member of University Baptist Church in Beavercreek, Ohio. Follow him on twitter here ( Accredited member of the Evangelical Press Association.

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