At NFL Pro Bowl, Young Reporter Leads QB Derek Carr in Prayer

Jeremiah Fennell
Screengrab via YouTube @Jeremiah one and five


Ten-year-old Jeremiah Fennell went viral during this weekend’s Pro Bowl festivities for conducting wise-beyond-his-years interviews with NFL greats. He asked insightful questions, learned some dance moves, and was surprised with Super Bowl tickets. At the end of his heartfelt chat with departing Las Vegas quarterback Derek Carr, the young reporter offered encouraging words and then prayed for him.

Jeremiah, a Las Vegas resident whose Instagram handle stands for Jeremiah 1:5, tells Carr he admires him not just because he’s “been my quarterback all my life” but because he’s a man of faith “on and off the field.”

Young Reporter Asks Derek Carr About Faith, Family

Jeremiah tells Carr that his father is “also a God-fearing Christian man” who “teaches me to treat my mom like the queen of the family that she is.” Then he says, “I notice that every time you talk about your wife, your face lights up. You smile, like you’re talking about your best friend.” Jeremiah asks Carr about “the exact moment you realized she was your queen and you wanted Heather to be your wife,” prompting the QB to respond, “You’re gonna make me cry, man. You’re touching my heart.”

Carr recaps how he knew he would marry Heather, whom he credits for challenging him to live out his Christian faith. The 31-year-old QB, who almost went into ministry instead of football, says he teaches his children to respect their mother. “Her name is Queen Heather in my phone,” Carr tells Jeremiah. “You must know something.”

Jeremiah tells Carr, a father of four, that he seems like “a really cool and supportive dad.” Then he asks how the athlete would respond if one of his sons wants to play professional football, especially in light of recent high-profile injuries. Carr says he’d be supportive “if that’s what’s in his heart and that’s what he wants to do.”

Bumps, bruises, and scars are inevitable on the gridiron, adds the QB, “but football helped change my life, and I’ve been able to bless a lot of people just by being able to throw a football.” As ChurchLeaders has reported, Carr has had opportunities to help people who’ve been on the verge of suicide.

Boy Tells QB: ‘God Has You in His Hands’

The Raiders benched Carr near the end of the regular season, and on January 21 he tweeted: “I’m choosing to move on and give our next city our best.” Last season was filled with upheaval for the Raiders too. Trade talks involving Carr are reportedly underway.

Near the end of their chat, Jeremiah assures Carr that God is in control. “I’m not concerned about what happens to you this coming offseason,” the young reporter and fan says. “Because no matter what colors you wear or what team you play on, we both know that God has you in his hands, and in the end, we don’t even have control.” Jeremiah then asks Carr to join him in saying the Serenity Prayer aloud.

Jeremiah’s mom, Lorraine Golden, says her son has been watching football since age 2 and practicing play-by-play analysis since age 4. He has his own YouTube channel and describes himself in his Instagram bio as “future Raiders home game commentator.”

When the Raiders broke ground at their new Vegas stadium, Jeremiah told his mom, “I’m going to work there.” This season, Golden adds, someone urged the local Fox affiliate to share her son’s reporting. “Somebody sought favor on us,” she says.

According to reporter Sam Gordon, “a detached bone in his right shoulder and a rare brain defect prevent [Jeremiah] from playing the sports he loves.” So he’s devoting himself to learning the broadcasting craft—while maintaining straight A’s in school.

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Stephanie Martin
Stephanie Martin, a freelance writer and editor in Denver, has spent her entire 30-year journalism career in Christian publishing. She loves the Word and words, is a binge reader and grammar nut, and is fanatic (as her family can attest) about Jeopardy! and pro football.

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