Home Small Group Leaders Articles for Small Group Leaders 5 Ways to Recruit New Members Into Your Small Group

5 Ways to Recruit New Members Into Your Small Group

5 Ways to Recruit New Members into Your Small Group

Do you want to recruit new members into your small group but don’t know the first thing about recruiting?

Here are five ways to get you and your group members started:

1. Ask Coworkers, Neighbors, Friends and Family

Ask those you have the closest relationships with. They are the ones most likely to give you an immediate “yes” to your invitation.

Go through your address books, email lists and social media (Facebook Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.) contact lists to make sure you haven’t forgotten someone who needs to be invited.

Ask them in person. The more personal invitation methods are the most effective. However, they aren’t always the easiest. The fact you go out of your way to ask in person shows the person and your small group are important to you. Only use phone calls, mail, email and messages as a last resort.

2. Ask at Church

Ask people who are attending your church services. Strike up a conversation with them. Ask if they know what a small group is and if they are involved in one. Invite them to visit your group after giving them a great reason to be a part of your small group.

People have a habit of sitting in the same place during a service. Sit in a different place each week and have that conversation with people you don’t know sitting around you.

Does your church have more than one service? Consider attending them all to increase the number of people you can talk with.

3. Pray

Any pursuit of new small group members needs to be covered in prayer. Ask God to put people in your path that need your invitation.

But it is also important to listen to what God wants you to do and follow His instructions. He demonstrated to me His ability to move a number of people into a small group without any action. Read my post I Did It My Way (and It Didn’t Work) to learn about this experience.

4. Participate in Recruiting Events

Many churches that have a small group ministry will have events specifically for recruiting new members into small groups. If your church has a recruiting event be sure to take part.

5. Use Social Media

Tell everyone you know that your small group is looking for new members. Use social media as one method to get the word out. People who know about your desire may be aware of people in your area who would benefit.

You can also post your small group meetings as an event on sites like Facebook and Meetup.

Question: What are some other ways you have found useful for recruiting new members into your small group?

This article originally appeared here.