‘God Is the Only One Who Can Heal Our Land’—Christians Cry Out to God on National Day of Prayer

National Day of Prayer
Photo credit: Scott Evans


The National Day of Prayer is an event that was created in 1952 by the United States Congress and then later designated to be observed on the first Thursday of May by President Ronald Regan in 1981.

During the observation, many Americans come together in front of courthouses, capitol buildings, and houses of worship, turning to God in prayer and meditation.

On May 4, President Joe Biden told Americans in his federally required proclamation that “the right to pray is enshrined in our Constitution and stamped firmly in the American tradition.”

“The belief that prayer can move mountains is, at its core, a belief in making the impossible possible. There is nothing more American than believing in the endless possibilities of what we can do when we do it together,” Biden continued.

RELATED: President Biden Becomes First President to Omit ‘God’ From National Day of Prayer Proclamation

The president said that “prayer has empowered moral movements and fueled efforts to strengthen our democracy” throughout our history. Prayer was “deeply rooted in the fight to abolish slavery and the expansion of voting rights and voter access. And it continues to compel us to uphold our founding creed that all of us are created equal, are made in the image of God, and deserve to be treated with dignity and equality throughout our lives.”

“There is hardly an aspect of American life that is not touched by the silent supplications of prayer to fulfill our hopes and our aspirations,” Biden proclaimed. He called upon American citizens “to give thanks, in accordance with their own faith and conscience, for our many freedoms and blessings, and I invite all people of faith to join me in asking for God’s continued guidance, mercy, and protection.”

Outreach’s founder and CEO, Scott Evans, was in Washington D.C., for the 2023 National Day of Prayer Congressional Observance hosted by Congressman Robert B. Aderholt on Thursday where Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, Dr. Ronnie Floyd, Senator James Lankford (R-OK), among others spoke at the event.

Evans shared that Sen. Lankford prayed, “There is no bill that we can pass to change the hearts of people. Only you can change hearts. God, help us to not grow weary in doing good. Help us to faithfully pray and wait upon you. Use this time for Kingdom sake in the name of Jesus.”

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“In a time where our country and communities are broken and divided, God is calling the church to pray,” Evans said. “God is the only one who can heal our land and change hearts. As we pray today, may it lead to repentance and revival in our hearts, churches, communities and nation.”

Many other church leaders, politicians, athletes, and celebrities posted National Day of Prayer tweets, including Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis, who said “On this National Day of Prayer, we thank God for our freedoms and for the many blessings He’s bestowed on America and on the state of Florida.”

Franklin Graham said,

“As a nation we have turned our back on God and His Word, and we are seeing the results. Violence, crime, and suicide are rampant. As Christians, we need to be more intentional than ever about PRAYER. The Bible instructs us to make prayer a priority. Pray for our leaders—from the president, to those serving in Congress, to those in leadership at the state and local level—that God would give them wisdom, guide them, and have mercy on our nation.”

“My father @BillyGraham once said, ‘Prayer is the Christian’s greatest weapon.’ On this National Day of Prayer—and every day—let’s stop and seek God,” Graham concluded.

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Dare 2 Share’s founder and Visionary, Greg Stier, posted,

“Today is the #NationalDayofPrayer. Pray with me for revival in this nation! What is revival? It is an upward concentration on Christ, an inward consecration of self that leads to an outward activation for the Gospel! Pray we see a true and Biblical spiritual awakening sweep across this nation, starting with our young people, once again.”

Stier then followed his message with a link to a video titled, “How to Experience Personal Revival Every Day.

Greg Laurie, Harvest Christian Fellowship’s senior pastor, encouraged people to pray for America: “We are desperately in need of a spiritual awakening. It seems we have strayed so far from God’s plan and we are reaping the consequences. But things can change, as we pray for our nation and share our faith.”

Actor and born-again Christian, Mr. T, said, “On this National Day of Prayer, I would like to Pray for our Country; that we will truly Be One Nation Under God! As we continue in Prayer, let us Pray Every day and Everywhere! ‘Pray without Ceasing’—1 Thessalonians 5:7 #NationalDayofPrayer.”

The popular “A-Team” actor added, “Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, please forgive us for all of our mistreatment of one another. Fill our Hearts with your Love, and your Mercy. Thank you Jesus, Amen. Have a Blessed day.”

Texas Governor Greg Abbott shared that he joined more than 700 interfaith and community leaders at a prayer breakfast Thursday morning and said that “God is always with us—today and every day. May He continue to bless Texas.”

Popular former college and professional football player turned sports commentator Tim Tebow posted,

“It’s #NationalDayofPrayer. Prayer is an invitation to take part in what God is doing and connects us to the Source of Life! Today and every day, spend time with God. Thank Him for all He has given you. Reach out to Him with what you’re struggling with. Prayer is a gift!”

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Jesse T. Jackson
Jesse is the Senior Content Editor for ChurchLeaders and Site Manager for ChristianNewsNow. An undeserving husband to a beautiful wife, and a father to 4 beautiful children. He serves as the chairman of the deacons, a growth group leader, and is a member of University Baptist Church in Beavercreek, Ohio. Follow him on twitter here (https://twitter.com/jessetjackson). Accredited member of the Evangelical Press Association.

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